
Over the past few months, more specifically in 2019, I have been overwhelmed with the feeling that I want to go sober. I don’t have a problem, well in some terms I don’t. When it comes to drinking or drug taking I do not consider myself addicted. However I have witnessed the damaging effects alcohol… Continue reading Sobriety

#LivingLikeCasey – 7 Days to Improvement and Productivity

Recently I watched a video by the fantastic Sorelle AmoreĀ and I have felt particularly compelled to try out this incredibly tough challenge, almost as if it is a new years resolution (even for a week). If you have been on the internet, YouTube specifically in the last few years you have no doubt heard of… Continue reading #LivingLikeCasey – 7 Days to Improvement and Productivity

Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 9 – Social Media

Social media is one of the things I can attribute a lot (and I mean a lot) of my anxiety to. I have become very attached to social media over the last 8 years or so. Facebook was the main hobby of everyone in my primary school (worrying, I know) but once I hit secondary… Continue reading Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 9 – Social Media

Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 8 – Delays

As you may be able to tell, there has been a few days gap between Day 7 and Day 8. There’s been some changes in my life I have had to deal with. Well it’s one change really. My girlfriend and I decided to call it a day and though I could’ve predicted it (kind… Continue reading Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 8 – Delays

Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 7 – Clothes!

Too many clothes! You catch me in the midst of minimalising my wardrobe… I have far too many t shirts. Like way too many. Enough t shirts I could wear a different one every day for a month I reckon. So with all this choice of what t shirt to wear it is far too… Continue reading Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 7 – Clothes!

Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 5 – Decluttering and Detoxing

Today I have spent a long time tidying and sorting my room out. I don’t think it has ever looked this organised in my entire life. I went through one of the sides of my wardrobe and hid away nearly all my clothes. I left myself a few coats and jumpers just to see me… Continue reading Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 5 – Decluttering and Detoxing

Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 4 – Real Life Dismay, Change and Sadness

Today I have spent a while feeling upset. I know this isn’t part of the minimalist lifestyle, however, yesterday my girlfriend of four years decided we should go on a break. I totally respect that and knew it had been coming. Being 20 years old and herself 19 I knew we were going to go… Continue reading Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 4 – Real Life Dismay, Change and Sadness

Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 3 – Downsizing

It’s Saturday and my average Saturday’s are taken up by playing football, like the most typical male from England. And today is no different. However my mind is thinking more about how and what possessions I can downsize. Reading Day 3 of the Minimalists 21 Day guide, I think for me today a packing party… Continue reading Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 3 – Downsizing

Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 2 – Planning

So in my previous blog I talked about why I must change and listed out all the things I must do in order to start feeling a more fulfilled life. But there needs to be some planning in place before I just dive into the whole lifestyle. Currently there are things that are in the… Continue reading Attempting a Minimalist Lifestyle – Day 2 – Planning